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STCM Ithaca Workshop – 2019
October 31, 2019 - November 3, 2019

Selam dear Friends,
Some updates to share about the upcoming visit with Timuçin Çevikoğlu in Ithaca:
We will hold the classes this year once again at the Third Street Meetinghouse, 120 Third Street, Ithaca NY 14850.
Instruction will be offered for instrumentalists and vocalists in a variety of musical forms:
We will have as a main focus the study of the Mevlevi Ayin, which is recognized to be the most refined of the musical forms in this tradition. The Ayin compositions provide an unrivaled platform for exploring the subtleties of Makam (the melodic system) and Usul (the rhythmic system) that have been so highly developed. This class is appropriate for vocalists, percussionists, and players of instruments capable of flexible pitch articulation. Because the Makam system uses some pitches that fall outside of the Western diatonic scale, standard fretted or keyed instruments are not suitable.
There will be a class to study ilahis, a simpler form that sets to music Sufi poetry of the late Seljuk and Ottoman period. The structure of the ilahis is simple but very dynamic, and this class will be suitable for vocalists, percussionists, and instrumentalists.
We will also have a class to study instrumental compositions as a means of developing ensemble playing techniques. This will include percussion instruction for the instruments used in this tradition: the Bendir (frame drum) and Kudum (small kettle drums). Some of the theories behind the Makam system will also be presented.
A class schedule is planned to be shared soon. Fees for all four days of instruction will be $335, a single day will be $110, a single class (ilahis for example) taken all four days would be $110, and a single class would be $35. We are still making updates to the website (https://www.turkishclassicalmusic.org), a registration link will be available. Please contact me with questions. We will make every effort to provide a partial scholarship for any sincere student who needs assistance with costs. If you recognize the value of this unique opportunity and are inspired and able to give more, it will help to offset our programming and overhead costs this year.
Classes will go from:
Thursday, Oct. 31 – 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Friday, Nov 1 – 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Saturday, Nov 2 – 12:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 – 3 PM – CONCERT**
**The location for our Sunday study and rehearsal time prior to the concert is to be announced.
Sunday, Nov 3 – 3 PM Our concert this year will be held in the sanctuary of the First Congregational Church of Ithaca.
Address: 309 Highland Road, Ithaca NY 14850.
For those arriving early or residing locally, we have planned an evening get together with Timuçin for Wednesday, October 30 at 7:00 PM. This will be hosted by our friend Liz Kyle at her home, 4194 Garrett Rd. Ithaca, NY.
Please be welcome to join us, and bring instruments.
Please note:
If you have not already let me know of your intent to participate please contact me, it will now be important to know how many will be studying here for planning purposes. Please let musical friends know who may be interested, and feel free to share the attached announcement for the concert on November 3rd and encourage people to attend.
Thank you, we truly look forward to sharing in this great opportunity together soon.
With all best wishes,